The Stratford Board of Education provides bus transportation for Stratford residents who live more than 1.5 miles from the school or if the student must cross a major road in order to come to school (such as Cutspring Road or Huntington Road). This is a free service to Stratford residents only.
Only eligible students may ride the bus and students may not ride a bus that is not assigned to them unless they have written permission from their parent/guardian and the note has been approved by the principal. “WALKERS” cannot ride home with a “BUS RIDER” classmate. Car transportation should be arranged. The note is then given to the bus driver. Students should not change their assigned stops. Inappropriate behavior on the bus may result in the loss of the bus privilege or suspension for a period of time. The bus driver is in complete control during the bus route and will report disruptive, disobedient or disrespectful behavior to the Principal. Students should always remain seated and be reasonably quiet on the bus. Shouting, screaming or disruptive behavior is not permitted. It is a custom, not a right, for the older students to occupy the rear of the bus in order to watch the younger students. The younger students sit in the front. The Principal or assigned teacher reserves the right to assign seats if necessary. Students should listen to the bus driver or one of the older students who may be attempting to correct poor behavior. Safety concerns regarding bus service should be reported to the Principal.