Summer Work
Keeping students engaged in fun learning experiences over the summer months will set them up for success the following school year.
Click on links below for each grade's summer work.
Rising Kindergarten Summer Work
Rising Grade 1 Summer Work
Rising Grade 2 Summer Work
Rising Grade 3 Summer Work
Rising Grade 4 Summer Work
Rising Grade 5 Summer Work
Rising Grade 5 Extra Math Packet New Students
Rising Grade 6 Summer Work
Rising Grade 6 Extra Math Packet New Students
Rising Grade 7 Summer Work
Rising Grade 7 Extra Math Packet New Students
Rising Grade 8 Summer Work
Classroom teachers in Kindergarten through Grade 7 shared information with parents for recommended summer work to maintain students' academic skills over the summer.
CT Governor's Reading Challenge
Student Summer Reading Journal can be found here. Visit the Connecticut Reads website by clicking here for more information and click here to learn how to find "just right" books for your child and recommended book lists.
Math and Reading Choice Boards
Please note that Math choice boards for students entering Grades K through 5 are built upon math skills students have been taught in the current school year. Therefore, students will be provided an opportunity to strengthen their skills and reinforce the foundation established this year in order to continue to grow their academic success in the next grade level. Students entering Grades 6 through 8 will be provided a math skills review packet.
Reading choice boards do not specify specific books for students to read. Students are encouraged to choose engaging books of high interest that they can read and comprehend independently.
There is no minimum amount of choice board squares to complete. Students are encouraged to complete as much as they can, and will be asked to return summer work to their teacher in September.