Many of the wonderful things accomplished here at St. Mark School are done so with the help of volunteers. We are very grateful for our supportive parents and terrific volunteers who have been extremely generous in donating their time and talents in numerous ways.
For the safety of the children, the Office of the Bishop requires ALL volunteers over the age of 18 to be trained in VIRTUS - Protecting God's Children Awareness. The mission of the VIRTUS Program is to educate and empower everyone (individually and collectively) to ensure optimal safe environments for children and the vulnerable. Volunteers must:
- Attend a “Protecting God’s Children” or Virtus” training session and sign the related release for a background check;
- Go to
- On the left side of the screen, click on “Registration”
- Click on “Begin the Registration Process” then find “Bridgeport, CT (Diocese)” click on “select”
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete a user id and password and the registration process.
2. Review the Safe Environments Handbook and sign that you have completed the review.
After completion of the training, your Virtus card and Safe Environments Handbbok sign off sheet must be submitted to the school office. Click here for more information on the Diocese of Bridgeport Save Environments Policy.
The Diocese of Bridgeport requires us to keep an updated list of persons within St. Mark School who have attended a Safe Environments Training Session. If you have not completed the above requirements thus far, but would like to volunteer at the school, please register for an upcoming session.
If you have any questions on the above requirements or programs, please feel free to call the school office at 203-375-4291.
Volunteers are expected to follow the same standards of behavior as any employee of the Diocese of Bridgeport. Volunteers may be removed from school positions by the Principal or Office of Superintendent if they breach professional decorum or compromise the best interests of the School or the Diocese.
Volunteerism makes our school a better place and benefits our children. St. Mark School requires that each family donate 30 hours of service time each school year. All hours should be recorded on the Volunteer Reporting Form and should be submitted to the Main Office or emailed to [email protected]. Donated items for parties and school activities such as paper goods, crafts, etc. may count towards volunteer hours. Please save your receipts for these items. Items that total $10 are counted as one service hour.
The deadline to submit volunteer hours is early June. If families do not donate the full 30 hours of service during a school year, parents will be billed for uncompleted service hours. The fee is $10 per service hour.
Service hours are not transferable. Student service hours do not count toward family hours. Each family will receive volunteer forms that will go home with the oldest sibling. You will be responsible for completing the form and submitting them.
Volunteer hours must exclusively benefit St. Mark School and/or its students.
Breakdown of hours and events:
Hours Earned
Room Parent (see description below)
20 hours
Chairperson of a major event/fundraiser
actual hours worked + 5 hour bonus
Serve on Home School Association
actual hours worked + 5 hour bonus
Hot Lunch Distribution
actual hours worked
Holiday/class party
actual hours worked
Chaperone field trip/help teacher in classroom with special project
actual hours worked
Bake for an event
one hour
Set up/clean up at event
actual hours worked
Event volunteer
actual hours worked
Scout volunteer for a troop/pack * Note: at least 50% of the troop/pack must be St. Mark School children
actual hours worked
Any volunteer hours accumulated in excess of 30 hours are greatly appreciated. They cannot be carried over to the following school year.

Mothers and fathers are needed to serve as room parents. At least two parents are needed per grade to assist the teacher with large projects, host holiday classroom parties, celebrate the teacher's birthday and inform the class parents of family emergencies. The room parent will serve a term beginning July 1st and ending June 30th . Room parents will be expected to meet with the Room Parent Coordinator and Principal before the school year begins. The Room Parent Coordinator will provide a detailed list of expectations / responsibilities to each room parent.